Ginny Conrow
Artist Statement
I have been a studio potter for 51 years, my work evolving from functional stoneware to decorative porcelain. The pieces exhibit my strong interest in form - sculpting the porcelain into out-of-round shapes that are organic, sometimes almost figurative. I work to stretch the porcelain to its fullest potential, whether I throw, use slabs, slip cast, or extrude the clay.
I spray layers of glazes to accentuate the curves, shadows and mood of each piece. In the mid-90's I became fascinated by crystalline glazes, developing and working with these exciting, fluid colors. Crystal development and placement depend on the rate, rise, and fall of temperature; on the amount of glaze on the piece; and on the type of metal used as colorant. This very technical process feels quite magical, each piece a surprise, as I vary these elements and explore crystalline glazes.
During the past twenty years I have taught workshops in New Zealand, Australia, Bali, and Thailand and have travelled throughout the South Pacific and Asia. These breaks from my studio routine inspire me with energy, color, and form. I continue to integrate into my pieces the skills and philosophies, people, places, moods and friendships I discover as I travel and work in other countries and cultures.

I have been a studio potter for 51 years, my work evolving from functional stoneware to decorative porcelain. The pieces exhibit my strong interest in form - sculpting the porcelain into out-of-round shapes that are organic, sometimes almost figurative. I work to stretch the porcelain to its fullest potential, whether I throw, use slabs, slip cast, or extrude the clay.

During the past twenty years I have taught workshops in New Zealand, Australia, Bali, and Thailand and have travelled throughout the South Pacific and Asia. These breaks from my studio routine inspire me with energy, color, and form. I continue to integrate into my pieces the skills and philosophies, people, places, moods and friendships I discover as I travel and work in other countries and cultures.