Larry Halvorsen
Artist Statement
Ancient stone tools, ritual objects, architecture and forms from nature are the inspirations for my sculptures and sculptural vessels. I am attempting to carve out my place as a contemporary object maker, with honor and deep respect for those who came before. My recent focus has been work for the wall, including groupings and individual pieces and the introduction of a gloss surface in addition to a matt surface, lava and obsidian. I use stoneware clay, a traditional craft material, to explore both traditional and non-traditional forms. The pieces are constructed using a combination of hand building techniques including coils, press and slump molds and slab building. All the pieces are coated with black glaze, and then using the classic technique of sgraffito, I carve through the glaze, exposing the natural clay beneath. The carving on all my pieces is the result of a lifelong exploration of line and pattern. My work is shown nationally in fine craft shops and galleries as well as commissioned wall work.

Ancient stone tools, ritual objects, architecture and forms from nature are the inspirations for my sculptures and sculptural vessels. I am attempting to carve out my place as a contemporary object maker, with honor and deep respect for those who came before. My recent focus has been work for the wall, including groupings and individual pieces and the introduction of a gloss surface in addition to a matt surface, lava and obsidian. I use stoneware clay, a traditional craft material, to explore both traditional and non-traditional forms. The pieces are constructed using a combination of hand building techniques including coils, press and slump molds and slab building. All the pieces are coated with black glaze, and then using the classic technique of sgraffito, I carve through the glaze, exposing the natural clay beneath. The carving on all my pieces is the result of a lifelong exploration of line and pattern. My work is shown nationally in fine craft shops and galleries as well as commissioned wall work.

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